Our ‘Year Group Overviews’ provide a high level view of the National Curriculum coverage for each year group. 

More detailed 'Termly Overviews' can be found on the class pages.  These provide greater detail on the content within each unit of work and the key vocabulary exposed to the children.

We have four phases in our school and each phase works from a two year curriculum cycle.  As mentioned on the curriculum statement page, our curriculum is designed to enable children to consolidate and build upon knowledge.  Where possible tangible links are created between subjects and year groups to develop a 3D curriculum; and allow children to use, apply and transfer previously learnt knowledge.


Year Group



Early Years Foundation Stage

Year 1 and Year 2

Key Stage 1

Year 3 and Year 4

Lower Key Stage 2

Year 5 and Year 6

Upper Key stage 2

Year Group Curriculum Overviews